D.C. City Council member Trayon White Sr. (D-Ward 8) posted a video this past week claiming that Jewish financiers, in the form of the Rothschild family, have been the direct cause of the recent snowfalls in the United States capital. The video, which espouses anti-Semitic tropes and conspiracy theories associated with the Rothschild family, claims that the family is using advanced technology to manipulate weather in order to “create natural disasters they can pay for [in order] to own the cities.” The same council member has previous stated, as reported by the Washington Post, that the Rothschild family is also in control of the United States federal government.

The Rothschilds, a famous European business and banking dynasty that goes back to the 18th century, are frequently referenced in conspiracy theories peddled by both white supremacist and left wing anti-Semitic hate groups. Rabbi Daniel Zemel of Temple Micah in Northwest Washington denounced White’s remarks, stating that these beliefs “diminish what America is about and adds to the oppressive feeling going on in the country right now.” White’s previous remarks, concerning the Rothschilds and the federal government, were made this past February. The comments, which included claims that the Rothschild family “pretty much control the federal government,” were made by White in front of Mayor Muriel E. Bowser and other members of the city council. No one present for these comments challenged his remarks.

White, following the recent attention drawn to his remarks by the Washington Post, has now apologized, saying that “[t]he Jewish community have [sic] been allies with me in my journey to help people. I did not intend to be anti-Semitic, and I see I should not have said that after learning from my colleagues.” This apology, however, followed his previous remarks to the Washington Post where he stated that the video “says what it says” and expressed surprise that his remarks were considered anti-Semitic. White’s fellow City Council member Brianne Nadeau, a Jewish democrat who represents the cities 1st Ward, believes that White’s apology is sincere. Nadeau told reporters that “I believe he is being truthful when he says he didn’t realize what his statement implied.” White’s comments draw attention to the need to combat all forms of anti-Semitism wherever they may arise. They also draw attention to the fact that, regardless of the new forms of anti-Semitism that have appeared in regards to Israel, the older forms that blame Jewish individuals for all of the world’s ills, have still survived.