unnamed (3) copyThe Canadian Institute for the Study of anti-Semitism has announced the issue contents of its new journal, AntisemitismStudies, published by Indiana University Press. Antisemitism Studies, as discussed in a prior entry, provides the leading forum for scholarship on the millennial phenomenon of anti-Semitism, both its past and present manifestations. Catherine Chatterly, founding director of CISA and editor-in-chief of this upcoming periodical, is a member of LDB’s Academic Advisory Board.  Each issue of the periodical is composed of a brief introduction by the editor, a selection of scholarly articles, and several reviews of significant new books published on the subject. The periodical features an article by Alvin Rosenfeld, a member of LDB’s Academic Advisory Board, titled “The Longest Hatred Renewed: A Tribute to Robert Wistrich.”


Guilt, Resentment, and Post-Holocaust Democracy: The Frankfurt School’s Analysis of “Secondary Antisemitism” in the Group Experiment and Beyond

Lars Rensmann

Fictional Tales and Their Narrative Transformations: Accusations of Image Desecration Against Jews in 12th and 13th Century Europe

Katherine Aron-Beller

Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism in the Wake of the Holocaust: The Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1946

Norman J. W. Goda

The Longest Hatred Renewed: A Tribute to Robert Wistrich

Alvin H. Rosenfeld

The Anti-Zionist Bridge: The East German Communist Contribution to Antisemitism’s Revival After the Holocaust

Jeffrey Herf

From the Damascus Blood Libel to the “Arab Spring”: The Evolution of Arab Antisemitism

Esther Webman

Book Reviews

Anti-Semitism and Its Metaphysical Origins

David Patterson

The European Union, Antisemitism, and the Politics of Denial

  • Amy Elman
  • A History of Antisemitism in Canada

    Ira Robinson

    Holocaust: An American Understanding

    Deborah E. Lipstadt

    Radical French Thought and the Return of the “Jewish Question”

    Eric Marty