LogosWe have more exciting news for our readers! The Canadian Institute for the Study of Anti-Semitism (CISA) and Indiana University Press has announced that they are releasing a new scholarly periodical Antisemitism Studies in April 2017. Antisemitism Studies will join The Journal for the Study of Anti-Semitism and the Journal of Contemporary European Antisemitism in rounding out the field for next spring. Catherine Chatterley, founding director of CISA, serves as Editor-in-Chief for this upcoming periodical and is also a member of LDB’s Academic Advisory Board.

A Call For Papers is forthcoming.

About Antisemitism Studies:

Antisemitism Studies will provide the leading forum for scholarship on the millennial phenomenon of antisemitism, both its past and present manifestations. Multidisciplinary and international in scope, the journal will offer a variety of perspectives on, and interpretations of, the problem of antisemitism and its impact on society.

Each issue is composed of a brief introduction by the editor, a selection of scholarly articles, and several reviews of significant new books published on the subject.

For more information on this upcoming publication, please click here.