image001 (1)Our friends at the Pears Institute for the study of Antisemitism – Birkbeck, in partnership with the All-Party Parliamentary Group Against Antisemitism, will host a symposium entitled  ‘Protecting and Offending Jews: Speech, Law and Policy’ on June 28. The event take place from noon to 4 pm in the Jubilee Room, Westminster Hall, House of Commons, London.

The symposium aims to consider the aspects of discourse which offend Jews. It will address the questions, “Is offensive discourse necessarily antisemitic? Do people take offense too readily and endanger free debate? At what point does criticism of Israel become offensive?” Secondly, the symposium will ask whether, in view of growing concern over antisemitism, the law should be augmented or amended to protect Jews further or whether current laws that target discrimination and prejudice give adequate protection. The presentations will be short and will allow for plenty of time for discussion.

John Mann, MP will open the symposium, which is organized into three sessions:


Giving and Taking Offence

Rowan Williams, Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge


Policy and Politics – Social Media and BDS

Paul Iganski, Lancaster University

Brendan McGeever, Birkbeck, University of London


Race, Religion and the Law

Omar Khan, Runnymede Trust

Rebecca Hilsenrath, Equality and Human Rights Commission


Places are limited and by invitation only. Register today! We hope you will be able to attend and participate in what promises to be a stimulating and challenging afternoon.


For more information, or to register, please click here. To view the full program, please click here.