The ISGAP Summer Institute at Hertford College, Oxford, for the Development of Curriculum in Critical Antisemitism Studies

Summer 2015

Brasenose Lane, Oxford

Brasenose Lane, Oxford

The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP), an interdisciplinary research center headquartered in New York, is seeking applicants for a two-week intensive workshop-based curriculum development program for professors with full time positions at recognized universities. Several exceptional doctorate and post-doctorate scholars will be considered for a place on the program. The program, dedicated to the development of critical antisemitism studies as a recognizable academic discipline, will be held at Hertford College, Oxford, starting July 26, 2015.

Under the guidance of leading international scholars, participants will be charged with developing a new course syllabi and curriculum in critical interdisciplinary studies.  The new course developed by participants at the ISGAP-Oxford workshop is to be taught at their home university upon completion.

Full and partial scholarships are available.

APPLICATION Deadline is March 1, 2015

For more information and to fill out the application form, go to

165 East 56th Street, New York, NY, United States, 10022 TEL. (001) 212 230 1840 OR [email protected]